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Truth Revealed: Beyond the Slides - Making Research Memorable

This special Truth Revealed episode features the 2024 winner of the AURA Individual Impact Client-Side Award: the impressive Mayra Munguia, Insight Manager at BT Group. In this engaging conversation with our MD, Dr Matilda Andersson, Mayra shares her strategies for building influence with stakeholders by never taking "no" for an answer and forming strong opinions—not just sharing data points and research findings.

Listen to the full episode on Spotify:

What’s Revealed?

Matilda uncovers Mayra’s top tips for creating impact with research and insights:

1. Don’t Take “No” for an Answer in Stakeholder Management

Building strong relationships with stakeholders is critical. If you’re working with senior stakeholders, figure out the best way to communicate and keep them involved. When you need their input or approval, there’s always a way—don’t accept a flat “no” as the final answer.

2. Sense-Check for Impact

Seek feedback from peers to ensure your insights are impactful and that your questions or questionnaires make sense. Feedback is invaluable for creating meaningful impact with research work.

3. Revisit the “Why” Behind Each Question

Why did you write this question in the first place? Each question should address a specific business challenge. Always revisit the rationale to ensure your questions remain aligned with the objectives.

4. Ditch the PowerPoint Decks

Extensive PowerPoint presentations aren’t always effective for creating impact in organisations. Mayra finds it more powerful to prepare a few talking points—like an elevator pitch—to influence and convince others, rather than relying on lengthy slides.

5. Have and Share Your Opinion

As insights professionals, your role is to form an opinion based on your research and provide advice. It’s not just about sharing the findings but offering a perspective that adds value.

6. Make Insights Memorable

Insights only have impact if they stand out and are memorable. Present your findings in a way that resonates, ensuring they reach and influence even the most senior decision-makers. Having a strong opinion and expressing it effectively goes a long way towards achieving this.

Matilda reflects that she wishes she had heard Mayra’s tips when she was a young researcher. She encourages everyone to listen to the podcast to learn more, build influence, and create their own impact.


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