We’re delighted to (almost) start the year off with our newest edition of DISRUPTIONS. True to form this piece is meant to provoke thought, questions, debate. We identify disruptions as the tectonic shifts that changing the world and our lives. DISRUPTIONS are deep changes – we identify and explore them as a way to help us all prepare, and to create the opportunity to share our experiences and expectations of the cultural and commercial world we live in.
Performative Parody asks the question ‘what has happened to trust’. This DISRUPTION is about the deterioration of seriousness in culture and the impact of sarcasm, parody, deepfakes on us as a society and consumers. If we’re all so ‘unserious’ (a literal parody of the lack of seriousness) how can we build meaning and connection? How can we feel safe from the often-contemptuous sting of a joke we don’t get? How can we believe anything (and brands in particular) if our expectation is that everything is pastiche?

Whatever side of the political divide you fall on – your reality is being impacted by performative parody. Whether corrosive or an opportunity we share this thinking to ask the question – what’s the point and purpose of understanding culture for brands when everything is a LOL?
Download the full report here...
To find out more about Disruptions contact hello@truth.ms