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Brand Britain: What does the Labour landslide mean for brands and what are the new rules for Cool Britannia today?

Read all about it! At Truth Futures we combine social listening, semiotic analysis and cultural insight (amongst other methods) to get beneath the surface of key moments in culture. We’re delighted to share here a piece of work that asks the question: Is Cool Britannia back and what does that mean for brands.

The Labour party’s landslide election victory in July felt like it ushered in an optimistic, fresh and fundamentally cooler era for Britain. But the whiplash speed that it was followed by grim riots up and down the country suggests that there is something more tense at play. When you throw in the Oasis reunion and all of the nostalgia for 97 it feels like Cool Britannia was back, but with some major caveats. We are at an important and interesting moment of evolution for Brand Britain. How do all of these elements of cultural context convene and what can that tell us about the future for British brands.

We explore the impact of shifting cultural and political contexts and examine what that will mean for brands that want to speak to and for the UK moving forward from Post-Colonial Iconoclasts to ‘Brat’ Brits.


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If you want to know more about what Brand New Britannia might mean for your brand email


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